Privacy Policy

Dear users

  • Herein we represent the general points of the Privacy Policy of website
  • It is forbidden to public any information, that:
    1. does not correspond to reality
    2. contains offence to someone/something
    3. promotes discrimination
    4. can affect children badly
    5. may hinder the normal functionality of the site
  • It is forbidden to use any site belonging information elsewhere: images, adverts, announcements, etc.
  • It is forbidden to publish the registered users’ announcement in any other websites without the user’s consent.
  • It is forbidden to publish any information provided by the users/sellers elsewhere: phone number, email address, and any similar information.
  • It is forbidden to use other people’s data: images, phone number, email address to register or log in the site.
  • It is forbidden to provide fake contact data beneath the announcement: phone number, email address, photo and so on.
  • It is forbidden to offer services that does not relate the announcement: insurance, car transmission from abroad, car interchange and so on.
  • It is forbidden to sell any vehicle without documents.
  • It is forbidden to offer car repair services unless you are registered in Services section.
  • It is forbidden to public irrelevant prices for car: either less or more.


The site administration carries the right to block any kind of advertisement that breaks any of the above mentioned requirements.